Education (EDUC)

EDUC 200. Foundations of Education. 3 Hours.

This course is a study of the purposes, background, and organization of education in the United States. The development of the American education system is traced from its beginnings to the present day with emphasis placed on major developments influencing the school in modern society. The various philosophies of education will be considered. Significant social issues that impact education will be discussed and evaluated. Offered every semester.

EDUC 220. Teaching Diverse Student Populations. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on the increasing diversity found in today's schools. It is designed to help prepare teacher candidates to teach and work with four groups of students: students with special needs, gifted and talented learners, students from diverse cultural backgrounds, and students who are linguistically diverse. The course provides practical strategies for adapting instruction to meet the learning needs of diverse students. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: EDUC 200 with a minimum grade of D.

EDUC 280. Selected Topics in Education. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in Education at the introductory or intermediate levels.

Prerequisite: EDUC 200 with a minimum grade of D.

EDUC 310. Foundations of Literacy. 3 Hours.

Designed to help students understand the theoretical and evidence-based foundations of the reading and writing processes in instruction. Students will examine how to support the creation of a classroom environment that fosters reading and writing by integrating foundational knowledge, instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate selection and use of assessments in reading and writing. This course has a required field experience of 10 hours. The students will spend time in actual elementary classrooms observing literacy methods and lessons, as well as implementing the instructional strategies introduced in this course.

Prerequisite: EDUC 200 with a minimum grade of D.

EDUC 320. Human Growth & Development: A Life Span Approach. 3 Hours.

This is a survey course designed to acquaint teacher candidates and others with basic knowledge of the principles of life-long growth and development. Course content addresses the various patterns of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth throughout life. The developmental characteristics and challenges of infants, children, youth and adults and how each developmental period is lived are also studied. Those who complete this course will have a thorough understanding of the life-span perspective as an integrative approach to development.

Prerequisite: EDUC 200 with a minimum grade of D.

EDUC 330. Educational Psychology. 3 Hours.

Psychology of learning, learning theories, and stages of development as applied to the learner in the classroom. Attention is given to research into learning problems, management and assessment of learning, and the least restrictive environment for exceptional learners.

Prerequisite: EDUC 200 with a minimum grade of D.

EDUC 340. Teaching of Reading. 3 Hours.

Course content includes a survey of techniques, strategies, and materials which facilitate secondary students' reading and study skills in content-area classrooms. Attention is focused on understanding reading difficulties experienced by high school students and the development of prescriptive instructional activities. A 15-hour field experience is included.

Prerequisite: EDUC 220 with a minimum grade of D and EDUC 310 with a minimum grade of D and EDUC 320 with a minimum grade of D and EDUC 330 with a minimum grade of D.

EDUC 380. Special Topics. 1 to 4 Hours.

Seminars on selected topics in Education offered on an occasional basis.

EDUC 430. Education Seminar and Field Experience. 3 Hours.

Take part in teaching in a real classroom. Students will participate in an 80-hour field experience and on-campus seminars that reinforce theoretical content with practical experiences. This course is offered during Interim and required for all students earning a minor in education.

Prerequisite: EDUC 420 with a minimum grade of D.