Sociology (SOC)

SOC 101. Introduction to Sociology. 3 Hours.

Examine introductory concepts, theories, research methods, and subfields of sociology. Topics include: what it means to develop one's sociological imagination and exploring aspects of the social environment that are often ignored, neglected, or take for granted.

SOC 202. Environmental Sociology. 3 Hours.

An examination of the following topics: the emergence and history of environmental sociology and the various theoretical perspectives that have shaped this subdiscipline; the complex interactions between social structures, power, and environment; the study of environmental inequality and injustice at various scales in the United States and globally.

SOC 206. Social Movements. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the sociological study of social movements. The focus will be on understanding the various theories and concepts sociologists have developed to understand the formation, dynamics, strategies, durability, challenges, and social/cultural significance of social movements by looking at examples in the United States and globally from the past few centuries.

SOC 216. Gender in Society. 3 Hours.

A sociological analysis of gender in contemporary American society. Through sociological concepts, theories, and research this course focuses on the social construct of gender and gender-based stratification.

SOC 226. Wealth, Power, and Inequality. 3 Hours.

Explore a basic and broad understanding of the sociology of inequality and stratification by examining inequality in the United States as it relates to class, race, gender, nativity, sexual orientation, and health.

SOC 240. Race and Racisms. 3 Hours.

An examination of the history, major issues, and sociological dimensions of race and racisms in the United States, which are both fundamental elements of social stratification.

SOC 280. Selected Topics in Sociology. 1 to 4 Hours.

Introductory-level independent research or exploration in topics not offered in the regular department courses.

SOC 330. Social Research. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the methods and techniques of collecting and analyzing social data.

Prerequisite: SOC 101 with a minimum grade of D.

SOC 340. Development of Sociological Thought. 3 Hours.

A review and analysis of the history of social thought leading up to and focusing especially on the development of modern sociology in the 19th and 20th centuries.

SOC 416. Intersectional Theory. 3 Hours.

Discover the tenets of the theory of intersectional feminism. Topics such as race, gender, and sexuality will be discussed within a sociological perspective. Additionally, as these aspects do not exist in a vacuum separate from class, nationality, ability, and other identities, students will work to synthesize theory, research, and experiences into an understanding of power, privilege, and oppression in the US and beyond.

Prerequisite: SOC 240 with a minimum grade of D.

SOC 446. Globalization and Society. 3 Hours.

Explore the various ways in which globalization is conceptualized using a sociological perspective. Topics addressed may include development theories, cultural change, unequal exchange, capital and labor flows, environmental justice, transnational corporations, and sources of resistance and alternative visions.

SOC 450. Capstone. 3 Hours.

Designated for seniors completing the major in Sociology and Anthropology to review and integrate what they have learned in their studies in the major and to design and execute a research project on a topic of their choice. Students will also compose personal reflective essays and complete an exit interview.

SOC 470. Independent Study. 1 to 4 Hours.

SOC 480. Advanced Topics in Sociology. 1 to 4 Hours.

Advanced-level independent research or exploration in topics not offered in the regular department courses.