Latin American & Caribbean Studies (LACS)

LACS 280. Selected Topics in Latin American & Caribbean Studies. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in Latin American & Caribbean Studies at the introductory or intermediate level.

LACS 320. Americas Seminar I. 4 Hours.

An interdisciplinary seminar focusing on the historical, political, social, and cultural interrelationships of the nations in our hemisphere. It concentrates on the historical and cultural foundations of Latin America and the Caribbean and explores the topics of race and identity, rural and urban life, authoritarianism and democracy, and national development. The course is conducted in English.

LACS 321. Americas Seminar II. 4 Hours.

An interdisciplinary seminar focusing on the historical, political, social, and cultural interrelationships of the nations in our hemisphere. It concentrates on Latin American women, revolution, problems of sovereignty, and the Latin American and Caribbean presence in the United States. The course is conducted in English and may be taken independently of 320.

LACS 420. Advanced Projects Based Learning. 3 Hours.

Students apply their knowledge, skills, and experiences in Ibero-American cultural contexts to collaborative, projects-based endeavors that require translingual and transcultural competence.

Prerequisite: SPAN 308 with a minimum grade of C.

LACS 480. Advanced Topics in Latin American & Caribbean Studies. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in Latin American & Caribbean Studies at the advanced level.