International Affairs (INTL)

INTL 203. Foundations of World Politics. 3 Hours.

A historical, philosophical, and topical foundation in international relations and comparative politics, and an introduction to essential research skills.

INTL 260. Comparing States & Societies. 3 Hours.

An examination of the major questions in comparative politics. Emphasis is placed on the political systems and unique histories and economic situations of Iran, China, India, Nigeria, and Russia.

INTL 280. Selected Topics in International Affairs. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in international affairs at the introductory or intermediate level.

INTL 320. American Foreign Policy. 3 Hours.

A study of the forces and factors involved in the formulation and implementation of contemporary United States policy.

INTL 321. War and Conflict. 3 Hours.

Examination of the origins and dynamics of war and conflict through historical and contemporary examples from around the world. Topics include: causes of war, insurgency and counter-insurgency, role of gender, and conflict resolution. Additionally, the future of war and what conflict may look like in the coming century will also be discussed.

INTL 324. Politics of the United Nations. 3 Hours.

A study of the evolution of the United Nations, its activities and impact, its use and misuse by member states and other actors, how both the world and the United States need the UN, and the potential for UN adaptation to change.

INTL 325. America and Global Economy. 3 Hours.

Survey of the politics of the global economy with emphasis on historical developments, concepts, theoretical perspectives, institutions, and contemporary topics. Substantial emphasis is placed on America's role in the global economy, though other economic powers, including the European Union, China, Japan, and India are also examined.

INTL 360. European Politics. 3 Hours.

A study of the politics of selected European states in historical perspective. Other topics in European politics may also be covered.

INTL 361. Middle East Politics. 3 Hours.

A study of the contemporary domestic and international politics of the Middle East. Topics include: democracy and its challenges; the role of national, religious, and ethnic identities; the origins of modern Middle Eastern states; and the involvement of non-Middle Eastern states in the region's politics.

INTL 362. Chinese Politics. 3 Hours.

A survey of the rise of modern China as a major power, with particular emphasis on its politics, economy, and foreign relations.

INTL 363. African Politics. 3 Hours.

Explores the internal and international politics of sub-Saharan Africa within its rich cultural, economic, humanitarian, and historical contexts, and also addresses special issues such as failed states, humanitarian intervention, HIV/AIDS and other health issues, and demographic trends specific to Africa.

INTL 364. Russia & Its Neighbors. 3 Hours.

This course will examine the politics, economics, and foreign policy of Russia and other postcommunist states in Central Asia and Europe. The class will investigate the relationship between Russia and its neighbors, the common experience of communism and postcommunism, and questions about democracy and authoritarianism. Along with studying Russia in detail, we will also examine cases of successful political and economic transition, cases of failed political transitions, and inconclusive cases.

INTL 380. Selected Topics in International Affairs. 1 to 4 Hours.

Seminars on selected topics in International Affairs offered on an occasional basis.

INTL 381. The Bomb: Nuclear Weapons Past, Present and Future. 3 Hours.

This course will provide a survey of the historical, development, deployment, spread and control of nuclear weapons worldwide, and will examine the evolving contemporary debate on their significance, potential uses, and the means for restraining their further proliferation.

INTL 382. Global Issues. 3 Hours.

A study of major global issues, such as Third World poverty, the population explosion, hunger in the poor countries and food consumption in the rich countries, energy use and supplies, environmental deterioration, the appropriate and inappropriate uses of technology, and alternative futures.

INTL 383. Revolutions & Regime Change. 3 Hours.

This class will examine the causes and effects of revolutions and regime transitions. In order to understand the complexities and nuances of revolutions and transitions, we will study cases from the 2011 Arab Spring and other regions, including East Europe, Asia, and Latin America. The multi-region approach allows for cross-cultural testing of the theories of regime change and a more nuanced investigation of the causes and consequences of major political, economic, and social change.

INTL 423. NGOs in World Politics. 3 Hours.

An exploration of the changing roles and influence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in world politics, with case studies including human rights, hunger relief, environmentalism, population control, women's rights, democratization, peacemaking, and inter-religious dialogue.

INTL 426. Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism in a Comparative Perspective. 3 Hours.

Exploration of nation, ethnicity, and race and the profound impact the relationship of these categories have on the political and social lives of those in the areas of study. The categories will be considered from a comparative perspective, analyzing cases from around the world such as the United States, Israel, and South Africa.

INTL 450. Senior Directed Study. 1 to 3 Hours.

Intensive guided study and research on selected topics in any field of international affairs. The instructor, in consultation with the student, will establish the subject for study and the requirements. Enrollment normally is limited to seniors majoring in Government or International Affairs who are of high academic standing.

INTL 470. Independent Study in International Affairs. 1 to 3 Hours.

Independent study of selected topics in international affairs at an advanced level. Specific topics vary from semester to semester.

INTL 477. Senior Seminar. 3 Hours.

Required of all seniors majoring in International Affairs, this course will provide a discussion of selected theoretical and policy literature from international relations and/or comparative politics. It may also explore a particular theme in modern world affairs, which will vary from year to year. International Affairs majors who pursue the Global Linking Experience will evaluate and document it in a research or creative project, while other students will complete an alternative assignment.

INTL 480. Advanced Topics in International Affairs. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in international affairs at advanced level.

INTL 490. Advanced Topics in International Affairs and Comparative Government. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in international and comparative politics. Subject matter varies.

INTL 500. Honors Course. 3 Hours.

At the discretion of the faculty, students may undertake a six-hour independent course of study in the senior year in order to broaden their educational experience within their major area of study. Students must meet specific GPA standards and arrange a faculty sponsor. The honors course criteria are outlined in the Academic Honors portion of the catalog.