This is an archived copy of the 2015-2016 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Summer Session

The summer session, conducted in two terms of five weeks each, begins each year in June and ends in August. The summer academic program reflects the same general purpose as that of the fall and spring semesters. It also provides special advantages in allowing both current and new students an opportunity to accelerate their work toward their bachelor’s degree and in permitting students to make up academic deficiencies they may have incurred.

In each term, summer courses normally meet five times weekly, Monday through Friday, in daily class sessions of one hour and 45 minutes per course. In addition, science courses have laboratories three afternoons a week. Most summer courses are 3 or 4 credit hours each.  Students may undertake a maximum of two courses per term, for a maximum of 7 credit hours.

The teacher-certifying bodies of the various states, including South Carolina, have their own rules for applying course credits toward teachers’ certificates, and teachers should acquaint themselves with these rules before enrolling in summer courses.