This is an archived copy of the 2015-2016 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Academic Honors

Dean's List

The Dean’s List recognizes students’ high achievement and is compiled at the end of the fall and spring semesters. To be eligible for the Dean’s List a student must have:

  • earned at least 12 hours in the semester
  • achieved a semester grade-point average of 3.60 or higher

Students enrolled in study abroad programs and students with grades of 'I' or Incomplete are eligible for Dean’s List consideration when final grades are reported and documented in the Registrar’s Office.

Graduation Honors

Candidates for degrees who have achieved certain levels of academic excellence at Wofford College are graduated with one of the honors listed below. These honors are determined on the basis of the cumulative grade-point average.  

Cum Laude:  3.50-3.74
Magna Cum Laude:  3.75-3.89

Summa Cum Laude:  3.90-4.00  

Departmental Honors

Academic  awards are given by faculty to the outstanding graduating seniors on the basis of academic achievement, character, and intellectual promise. Some are named in honor of persons who have made significant contributions to the intellectual life of the college.  The awards are associated by academic department.

Accounting: The Harold W. Green Award
Art History Award
Biology: The W. Ray Leonard Award
Business Economics Award
Chemistry: The C. B. Waller Award
Chinese Award
Computer Science: The Dan W. Olds Computer Science Award
Economics: The Matthew A. Stephenson Award
English: The L. Harris Chewning Jr. Award
              The W. Norman Coleman Award
              The Walter E. Hudgins Award
Environmental Studies: The John W. Harrington Award
Finance:  The James Edwin Proctor Award
French: The George C.S. Adams Award
German: The James A. Chiles Award
Government Award
History: The David Duncan Wallace Award
Humanities Award
Intercultural Studies:  The Global Citizen Award
Mathematics: The John Q. Hill Mathematics Award
Music:  The George A. Carlisle Award
            The Peter Allen Moore Award for Strings
Philosophy Award
Physics Award
Psychology: The James E. Seegars Psychology Award
Religion: The Charles F. Nesbitt Award
Sociology Award
Spanish: The John L. Salmon Award
Theatre: The James R. Gross Award