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MATH 140. Introduction to Statistics. 3 Hours.

An introduction to statistical thinking and the analysis of data using such methods as graphical descriptions, correlation and regression, estimation, hypothesis testing, and statistical models.

Accounting (ACCT), Business (BUS) & Finance (FIN)

...Principles of Macroeconomics , FIN 321 Business Finance MATH 140 Introduction to Statistics . ECO 201 Principles...

Biology (BIO)

...also encouraged to take coursework in statistics ( MATH 140 Introduction to Statistics and/or BIO...

Sociology (SOC) & Anthropology (ANTH)

...outlined below. Students are encouraged to take MATH 140 Introduction to Statistics . Students who participate...

Pre-Professional Programs

...level are ACCT 211 Accounting Principles and MATH 140 Introduction to Statistics . Students should consult...