Disclaimer Information

While Wofford College reserves the right to make changes in its calendar, policies, regulations, fees, prices, and curriculum, the information in this Catalog accurately reflects policy and states progress requirements for graduation effective August 10, 2025.

Wofford College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or any legally protected status.

Wofford College
429 North Church Street
Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663
(864) 597-4000


Wofford College complies with the amended Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (commonly referred to as the “Buckley Amendment or ‘FERPA’”). FERPA is designed to protect the confidentiality of records that educational institutions maintain on their students and to give students the right to access those records to assure the accuracy of their contents. Generally, FERPA requires that written consent from the student be received before personally identifiable information about the student is released. Institutions may release, without written consent, those items specified as public or directory information.  Wofford's annual FERPA notice can be found both in this Catalog and on the Registrar's website.  

The following is a brief summary of each student's rights under the Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA).
1. The right to inspect and review your education record within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access.
2. The right to request an amendment of your education record if you believe it is inaccurate or misleading.
3. The right to consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in your education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy and Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

Title IX

Wofford College is committed to providing an educational and work environment, including programs and activities, that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Wofford College does not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, student, or applicant for admission on the basis of sex. Policies and procedures for addressing complaints of discrimination and harassment can be found at www.wofford.edu/titleix

Inquiries related to the application of Title IX at Wofford should be referred to the college’s Title IX coordinator:
Matthew Hammett
429 North Church Street
Snyder House Annex
Spartanburg, SC 29303
(864) 597-4048

Individuals may also inquire externally to the Department of Education:
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.  20202-1100
(800) 421-3481

Veterans Benefits

Wofford College will not impose any penalty including late fees, denial of access to classes, library, or other institutional facilities, or require that any covered individual borrow additional funds because of the individual's inability to meet his/her financial obligations due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the VA under Chapter 31 or Chapter 33.