Humanities (HUM)

This is an archived copy of the 2016-2017 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

There are several opportunities for students to conduct interdisciplinary study in the Humanities:

  1. All first-year students are required to take a seminar introducing them to college-level study in humanities. While not strictly interdisciplinary, the seminars are taught by faculty members from the various humanities departments at the college.
  2. Advanced courses are offered by faculty who have interdisciplinary interests and training.
  3. An interdisciplinary major is provided by the selection and integration of work in several departments.

The Humanities major is intended for students with specific interests which cut across the existing majors offered in humanities disciplines: Art History, English, Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, History, Philosophy, Religion and Theater. It offers students who have this interest the opportunity to design their major, but it also requires the extra initiative to do so. Students considering this major should understand that it is not intended for those who simply have a broad interest in the humanities; such students should major in one of the humanities departments and take electives in the others.

Any student interested in this major should see the coordinator, who will discuss the suitability of the major for the student’s interests and will help in selecting faculty members who might appropriately serve as a committee to direct the student’s major.


Anne B. Rodrick

Requirements for the Major in Humanities

Prerequisites for the Major

A 3.0 cumulative grade-point average for at least three semesters OR the recommendation of three faculty members from different humanities departments.

Major Requirements

Eight courses at the 300 or 400-level from at least three humanities departments (ARTH, ARTS, ENGL, FREN, GER, HIST, HUM, PHIL, REL, SPAN, THEA24
HUM 469Developing the Capstone Proposal1
HUM 470Independent Study3
Total Hours28

The eight courses must be specifically approved by the Humanities Coordinator. Other courses outside of the areas listed may be used to fulfill this requirement if they have a strong humanities component (for example, certain courses in Environmental Studies) with prior approval from the Coordinator. HUM 469 Developing the Capstone Proposal is a one-hour pre-capstone course which must be completed in the semester before the capstone.  The capstone, HUM 470 Independent Study, is a three-hour independent study course which should be taken during the senior year (normally in the spring semester).   A six-hour senior honors project with the same interdepartmental structure may be substituted for HUM 470 Independent Study.  The student's work in HUM 470 should integrate topics from the various departments.  The study will be supervised and evaluated by one faculty member from each of the departments, one of which will serve as chair and the primary supervisor.

HUM 101. Freshman Seminar in Humanities. 3 Hours.

A course designed to engage students, during their first semester, in small-group seminars in humanistic inquiry, with special attention given to value questions and issues. The course includes substantial reading and group discussion, considerable work on English composition skills (comparable to that typically encountered in first-semester college English courses), and the writing of numerous short essays and other papers. Sections of the course are taught by members of the departments of English language and literature, fine arts, foreign languages, history, philosophy, and religion. Required of all incoming first-year students.

HUM 240. Medicine & Literature. 3 Hours.

This course provides an examination of the rich literature surrounding the issues of healthcare and the medical profession. Issues of illness, health, medical science, violence, and the body are examined through literary and cultural texts. Cross-listed with ENGL 347.

HUM 250. Globalization & Change in the American South. 3 Hours.

An interdisciplinary course in which students will engage the American South in its current and historically analogous global linkages. These linkages generate rapid change, frustrating stasis, and profound human drama. Prominent themes include: im/migration (in, out, white, black and other), work, land, politics, war and culture. Students will integrate a wide range of encounters and experiences, readings, teachings, films and student projects. Must be taken in conjunction with GOV 320.

Corequisite: GOV 320.

HUM 280. Selected Topics in Humanities. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in Humanities at the introductory or intermediate level.

HUM 300. Understanding Civic Engagement. 3 Hours.

This sophomore-level seminar will help students explore and understand their relationships with the communities?local, national, and global?in which they live. Students will learn about the many types of civic engagement possible in the modern world. They will become familiar with past debates over civic engagement and change; they will develop skills in understanding and acting upon the multiple complex messages of change and engagement in today?s world; and they will gain a fuller understanding of participatory democracy and civic literacy through a variety of class projects.

HUM 350. Junior Humanities Seminar: Civic Engagement in Practice. 3 Hours.

This junior level seminar helps students explore and understand their relationships with the communities - local, national and global - in which they live. Students will learn about the many types of civic engagement and change; develop skills in understanding and acting upon the multiple complex messages of change and engagement in today's world; and gain a fuller understanding of particapatory democracy and civic literacy through a variety of class projects.

HUM 469. Developing the Capstone Proposal. 1 Hour.

A seminar course required of all Humanities majors in the semester preceding their capstone project. Weekly meetings with the instructor and with library faculty will guide students through the process of developing a detailed capstone proposal for HUM 470. Proposal development will be a group process involving critical discussion and peer review. By the end of the seminar, each student will have a finished proposal to include a preliminary thesis statement, an annotated bibliography, and a brief essay on their proposed project. This is a required prerequisite for HUM 470.

HUM 470. Independent Study. 3 Hours.

A study of some specific topic which integrates and focuses course work a student has done in the humanities major. Normally it is directed by the committee which guided the student's major. Open only to seniors majoring in Humanities. Offered every year.

Prerequisite: HUM 469 with a minimum grade of D.

HUM 475. Independent Study in Interdisciplinary Learning Communities. 3 Hours.

This course provides an opportunity for students to revisit, in a larger interdisciplinary context, values and issues questions derived from their experience in previous humanities classes. Students will work with faculty in the development and implementation of interdisciplinary learning communities; they will facilitate classroom discussions, aid in preparing and analyzing evaluation materials, and produce a substantial final project reflecting on their experience.

HUM 480. Advanced Topics in Humanities. 1 to 4 Hours.

Study of significant ideas, issues, or themes using a multidisciplinary approach pursued through a variety of media. May be offered by any member of the humanities faculty, subject to the approval of the Coordinator. Not open to freshmen. Topics and prerequisites vary.

HUM 495. Presidential Seminar. 1 to 3 Hours.

This seminar was conceived as both a capstone experience in the liberal arts and in recognition of graduating seniors distinguished for their academic achievement and their contributions to the college community. Participants, nominated by their departments and selected by Wofford's president, become part of a semester-long colloquium involving not only themselves and that of two moderators, but various Wofford faculty members, alumni, and friends of the college are invited to join individual sessions.