Military Science (MILS)
MILS 101. Military Leadership I. 0 to 1 Hours.
A basic orientation to ROTC and the U. S. Army. Course topics include leadership,
the role and structure of the Army, military customs and courtesies, basic marksmanship, and map reading. Leadership laboratory is required. Open to freshmen with permission of instructor.
MILS 102. Military Leadership I. 0 to 1 Hours.
A continuation of Military Science 101. Course topics include leadership, map reading, land navigation, and development of skills needed to work effectively as members of a team. Leadership laboratory is required. Open to freshmen with permission of instructor.
MILS 201. Military Leadership II. 0 to 2 Hours.
The study of the importance of character in leadership, leadership behaviors and attributes, basic survival skills, basic individual soldier skills, and land navigation. Leadership laboratory is required. Open to sophomores with permission of instructor.
Prerequisite: MILS 101 with a minimum grade of B or MILS 102 with a minimum grade of B.
MILS 202. Military Leadership II. 0 to 2 Hours.
A study of Army values and ethics, the principles of war, principle-centered leadership, troop-leading procedures, problem-solving techniques, individual tactical skills, and orienteering. Leadership laboratory is required. Open to sophomores with permission of instructor.
Prerequisite: MILS 101 with a minimum grade of B or MILS 102 with a minimum grade of B.
MILS 301. Military Leadership III. 3 Hours.
Comprehensive instruction in leadership and management skills, map reading and land navigation, squad and platoon tactics, first aid, and communications. One weekend leadership laboratory is required in addition to the weekly labs.
Prerequisite: MILS 201 with a minimum grade of B or MILS 202 with a minimum grade of B.
MILS 302. Military Leadership III. 3 Hours.
Development of basic military skills for National Advanced Leadership camp at Fort
Lewis, Washington. Instruction includes offensive and defensive squad tactics, operations orders, and military briefings. One weekend leadership laboratory is required in addition to the weekly labs.
Prerequisite: MILS 201 with a minimum grade of B or MILS 202 with a minimum grade of B.
MILS 401. Military Leadership IV. 3 Hours.
A comprehensive study of leadership, principles of war, the law of war, military ethics, and professionalism. Includes an examination of challenges and U.S. global threats. Students plan and conduct required leadership laboratories. One weekend leadership laboratory is required in addition to the weekly labs.
Prerequisite: MILS 301 with a minimum grade of B or MILS 302 with a minimum grade of B.
MILS 402. Military Leadership IV. 3 Hours.
A continuation of the comprehensive study of leadership, military justice, military
logistics, Army personnel management, Army training management, Army battle doctrine, and the transition from student to officer. Students plan and conduct required leadership laboratories. One weekend leadership laboratory is required in addition to the weekly labs.
Prerequisite: MILS 301 with a minimum grade of B or MILS 302 with a minimum grade of B.