This is an archived copy of the 2015-2016 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Accounting (ACCT)

ACCT 211. Accounting Principles. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the basic concepts and methodology of financial accounting, with emphasis on the analysis and recording of business data, and the preparation and use of corporate financial statements. Students majoring or minoring in Accounting or Finance must earn a grade of C or better. Offered every semester.

ACCT 220. Excel Spreadsheets & Modeling. 1 Hour.

This course introduces Microsoft Excel as a vital tool for handling accounting and finance functions. Students will learn to produce effective analytical tools that take advantage of conditional formatting, advanced formulas and macros, and charts and graphs. Students will also learn to model scenarios and manage data effectively. This course is for users with limited or intermediate background in Excel. This course does not fulfill any major or minor requirement. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 211 with a minimum grade of D.

ACCT 280. Selected Topics in Accounting. 1 to 4 Hours.

Selected topics in Accounting at the introductory or intermediate level. Offered on an occasional basis.

ACCT 341. Cost Accounting I. 3 Hours.

Introduction to cost accounting, with emphasis on management use of accounting data for planning, budgeting, and decision making. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 211 with a minimum grade of D.

ACCT 342. Cost Accounting II. 3 Hours.

A continued study of current cost accounting issues. Topics include manufacturing costs, cost accounting trends, and analysis and interpretation of managerial accounting data. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 341 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 345. Accounting Information Systems. 3 Hours.

A study of the information systems which assist an organization in meeting its objectives efficiently and effectively. The course includes an overview of the purpose, design, and use of specific systems. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 211 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 351. Intermediate Accounting I. 3 Hours.

In-depth study of financial accounting theory and practice primarily related to assets. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 211 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 352. Intermediate Accounting II. 3 Hours.

In-depth study of financial accounting theory and practice primarily related to liabilities and stockholders' equity. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 351 with a minimum grade of C and FIN 321 with a minimum grade of D.

ACCT 411. Advanced Accounting. 3 Hours.

Study of accounting entities such as multi-national enterprises, partnerships, not-for-profit and governmental organizations, and consolidated corporations. Offered fall semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 351 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 412. Auditing. 3 Hours.

Theory of auditing, using generally accepted auditing standards. Additional emphasis on practical applications of auditing techniques. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 351 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 413. Auditing II. 3 Hours.

A continued study of the theory of auditing with an emphasis on the current auditing environment; the critical role that ethics, professional judgement, and knowledge of the client's internal controls, business, and industry play in an effective audit; and the procedures and tools available to the auditor to perform an effective audit. Offered spring semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 412 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 425. Income Tax Concepts & Decision Making. 3 Hours.

Theory and practice of federal income taxation of individuals and businesses, with an emphasis on decision making. Offered each semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 211 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 426. Tax Concepts II. 3 Hours.

In-depth study of federal taxation as it relates to corporations, estates, partnerships, and trusts. Offered spring semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 425 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 445. Financial Statement Analysis. 3 Hours.

This course helps students understand financial statements from management, shareholder, and creditor perspectives. Students will learn how financial statements are organized, are used by managers to improve company performance, and are used by investors in valuing companies and in evaluating potential investments. Cross-listed with FIN 445. Offered every semester.

Prerequisite: FIN 321 with a minimum grade of C.

ACCT 453. Income Tax Assistance. 1 Hour.

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program is conducted in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service and the United Way of the Piedmont. After passing a series of exams administered by the IRS, certified volunteers offer free tax help to low- to moderate income individuals who are unable to prepare their own tax returns. Students will develop academic and social skills through valuable hands-on experience, and improve the economic status of VITA clients from within the Spartanburg community. Permission of instructor required. Offered spring semester.

Prerequisite: ACCT 425 with a minimum grade of D.

ACCT 470. Independent Study in Accounting. 1 to 3 Hours.

Independent study of selected topics in accounting at an advanced level. Specific topics vary from semester to semester.

ACCT 480. Advanced Topics in Accounting. 1 to 4 Hours.

Topics and credit may vary from year to year. Permission of instructor required. Offered on occasional basis.